Rotary REAL Project Teacher Training July & Sept’24

Rotary REAL Project Teacher Training July & Sept'24

The Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu Pearl invited Coach Jasmine to conduct a full-day workshop for 40 English Teachers of Rural Schools in Sabah, as part of their REAL (Rural English for All) project initiative.

The first workshop on 1st July 2024 saw 26 teachers from 20 rural schools gathered to learn how to make English classes fun, creative and imaginative for their young primary school pupils. In rural Sabah, the exposure to the English Language is still very limited and teachers have a hard time coming up with ways to keep students engaged and learning to their full potential.

Instead of teaching grammar basics and going through the English curriculum, Coach Jasmine used drama and theatre methods of learning to invoke creativity in the teachers themselves, teaching them to remember how they learnt best as a child. Songs were sung and dances were danced throughout the day.

One sentence that was uttered by a teacher at the end of the session encapsulated the whole experience: “I am reminded that learning is meant to be fun! And I cannot wait to go back to my students and teach them with these new methods!”

The event was such a success that the Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu Pearl decided to hold another workshop for the schools that missed the first session, to be held on 30th September 2024.

For a snippet of what transpired during the training – head over to IG/FB @coachjasmineleong to watch our Reels 🙂

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This website is dedicated to programmes run by Maxwell Leadership Team certified coach, trainer and speaker Jasmine Leong. Connect with us to discover how you can benefit from her courses on leadership, communication, personal growth and development.

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