June’20 Kota Kinabalu Toastmasters Club _Everyone Communicates Few Connect
Kota Kinabalu Toastmasters Club, launched the 1st of its educational workshops for members and guests in June’2020 with Coach Jasmine’s first ever ZOOM Workshop on Everyone Communicates Few Connect https://fb.watch/6nLBh8XEBZ/
Over 40 participants attended over zoom on that Sunday afternoon and below are some of the encouraging feedback:
What are your key takeaways from this workshop?
- To better connect with people and to increase the connection with them.
- Element of connect to people
- “Always assume everyone else is doing their best” -“Action>Tone>words”
- Great way of saying the connecting principles.. Interactive workshop..
- Connecting practices
- Issues involved in connecting through communications.
- Too many but I especially love the part about listening carefully, especially to what is NOT being said.
- Connecting by listen mirroring
- Value other people. it’s more about others,not ourself.
- connect is about others, common ground.
- More of something like this
- Use our words Wisely n connect well with people
- Be connected and be humble
- Communicate with confrontational people
- The AWARENESS of CONNECTING with people and also being AWARE of MY OWN ACTIONS/REACTIONS…!
- Important to connect to people on top of just communicating
- Connection practices and concepts
- 4 components, 3 S’s and KISS.
- Connecting on common grounds was a great reminder to me.
- Keep it simple, lead by example and believe in them.
- Connecting is the key of influence..
- connection techniques
- Listening to reply. I need to work out on that urgently.
- Great
- Leadership
- Your body language matters more than words
- It is not enough just to communicate with people but there is a need to connect with them. The success to connect is lies in our ability to inspire and influence others by being humble for ‘humility is a capacity for self-criticism and allowing others to shine’.
Please share some constructive feedback so we can improve your next experience with us
- Everything was greatly organised and deeply planned.
- It was a wonderful session. My feedback was the slides sometimes has a black bar that covers the tittle of the topic.
- Methodical, well structured, good build-up of points, good pace and ample energisers. Keep it up. Topic is very relevant in this highly confused world where everyone talks but no one listens. 🙂
- to have more interactive session with the crowds
- Presenter can do more this event to benefit more people.
- Very good workshop n enjoyed the entire workshop.
- It is very great. Nothing else from me
- Jasmine did a great job delivering such a fantastic session…! You’re AWESOME and delivered a FANTASTIC session..! Thank you.
- Zoom Workshop was smooth.. great coordination with Hafiz (host) and speaker.
- Keep it up
- Colourful notes. Colour attracted my attention.
- keep up
- It would be interesting to allocate some time for participants to share their experience in connecting with people.
- This session was amazing.Hope you will conduct other sessions and give us platform too.
- Well so far so good.